Treatment For Different Types OF STROKE

A stroke is considered a medical emergency that occurs when blood flow to the brain is hindered, either due to burst blood vessels or blocked arteries. This hindrance of blood flow deprives brain cells of proper oxygen, resulting in death or brain damage. Symptoms might include confusion, weakness, speaking difficulty, and loss of coordination. In this situation, connect with a leading neurologist in Jaipur, Dr Sumit Kamble. He offers personalized consultation regarding better memory and optimizing overall brain health. 

Types Of Stroke And Treatment

Strokes are a condition that is fatal and leads to serious consequences. Three major types of strokes result in serious consequences. All these strokes could be managed by medication, lifestyle changes, and sometimes surgery. Moreover, early detection and treatment of these strokes are essential, as it lowers the risk of long-term damage. Let’s learn about the types of strokes and their proper treatment plan.

  1. Ischemic stroke

Ischemic stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked or lowered and reduces the flow of oxygen and nutrients to brain tissue. This stroke is the most common, accounting for almost 90% of all cases of stroke. It usually occurs when a blood clot occurs in blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. And, this lack of blood causes blood cells to die within minutes, resulting in death or brain damage.

  1. Treatment for ischemic stroke

It requires proper treatment, as it aims to restore blood flow to the brain quickly and to avoid any brain damage. And, the success rate of these treatments solely depends on how quickly treatment is done after diagnosis of symptoms.

Intravenous Thrombolysis – This serves as the primary treatment, and in this administration of tissue plasminogen activator – clot-dissolving medicine is done. If this is given between 3-4 hours of symptoms onset, this treatment enhances the chances of full recovery.

Endovascular therapy – This treatment process includes the mechanical elimination of blood clots via a catheter that is inserted into the artery. It becomes more effective when it is done within 6-24 hours of stroke start.

Anticoagulant & antiplatelet medications – Medicines like anticoagulants and antiplatelets are prescribed to prevent more clotting.

Management of blood pressure – To control high BP is pretty essential as it lowers risk of stroke. Healthcare professionals might prescribe antihypertensives to manage high blood pressure.

    2. Hemorrhagic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a weak blood vessel in the brain bursts or ruptures, resulting in bleeding around and in the brain. This stroke type is not so common but is more severe and devastating. Its symptoms include vomiting, nausea, severe headache, numbness in the face, vision problems, and loss of balance.

  1. Treatment for hemorrhagic stroke

Its treatment concentrates on stopping bleeding, managing complications, and relieving pressure on the brain. The treatment entirely depends on the severity and cause of stroke.

Emergency treatment – Primary treatment includes patient stabilization, which involves controlling blood pressure, managing various symptoms, and administration of medicines that lower brain swelling.

Surgery – In case of failure of primary treatment, surgical treatment is done. It includes aneurysm clipping and craniotomy.

Medications – Prescription of medicines that lower blood pressure and prevent further bleeding around and in the brain.

3. Transient ischemic stroke (TIA)

A transient ischemic attack, often known as a mini-stroke, is considered a temporary neurological dysfunction that occurs due to a small hindrance in the brain’s blood supply. Unlike any other stroke, its symptoms last for only some time and don’t result in permanent damage. However, this type of stroke serves as a critical sign of warning for future stroke. It usually occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery temporarily that connects to the brain, lowering the supply of oxygenated blood.

  1. Treatment for TIA stroke

Treatment of this type of stroke concentrates on preventing future strokes, as the risk of having a stroke is high in the days following this stroke. Here are some common treatment strategies.

Medications – Prescription of anticoagulants, antiplatelets, blood pressure medicines, and statins is done that lowers the risk of stroke.

Lifestyle Changes – To prevent this type of stroke, be sure to stop smoking, as it reduces stroke risk. Consume a diet enriched in whole grains, fruits, and proteins, as it manages blood pressure and cholesterol. Try physical exercise as it maintains a healthy weight and enhances heart health. Also, lowers alcohol consumption, as it lowers stroke risk.

Surgical Interventions – The surgical treatment for this type of stroke includes angioplasty, which includes opening of narrowed arteries and inserting stent into it to prevent artery-blocking.

Rehabilitation: An Important Step After Treatment

A stroke is a threatening event in life that impacts cognitive and physical abilities. And, quick treatment is pretty essential for survival and recovery, rehabilitation plays a major role in enhancing quality of life after stroke treatment. Sometimes, this recovery phase is ignored, yet it is highly important for helping stroke-ridden people to rebuild their lives.

Stroke rehabilitation serves as a program that is designed to help patients regain their lost functions and adjust to some leftover limitations. And, its extent depends on stroke severity, the area of the brain affected, and the entire health. This program’s major goal is to restore function and avoid any type of complication.

● Physical therapy – This approach enhances strength, mobility, and balance.

● Occupational therapy – This approach helps stroke patients to re-learn daily activities, like eating, dressing, and bathing.

● Speech therapy – This approach focuses on improving speech and language.

● Emotional therapy – This approach enhances mental functions, like, attention, memory, and problem-solving skills.

Avail Stroke Treatment Across The World

Stroke, a major cause of death and disability all over the world, requires effective treatment that lowers its impact. Nowadays, the world has witnessed various advancements in stroke care, in which varying countries provide the best treatment options that cater to various types of strokes.


Stroke treatment depends on varying types of strokes. Timely treatment for all types of strokes is mandatory, as it lowers the risk of long-term impact on your life. But, every type of stroke requires specific medical care, along with its early diagnosis and interpretation. One may seek consultations with professional health providers or neurological experts, such as Dr. Sumit Kamble, for more personalized consultation regarding better memory and optimizing overall brain health. 

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